The Blogger Come Back! Nuffnang I Heart You!

*Drum Rolls* + Applause...
I am making a comeback into the blogging scene, this time I am making it BIG! lol
Actually nothing like that just want to make my "so called comeback blog post" more dramatic. haha
Tons of stuff happened during the time when I was on blogging, but I felt very guilty to not blog for so long and still have to face to say I am blogger (-_-)
I was going to blog and try to pay off my " blogging debts" (blogging debts - first known to be from Stephanie, friend I know from the Genting Trip) YES YES YES we are still in contact, we have a shared group chat on WhatsApp and we are planning to meet in Dec after my Korea Trip. 
Opps nobody here have been updated about the trip as yet, haha I am going Korea this December *Wee~
23 more days to KimchiLand!!
I was trying to say although many people in the blogging scene are sometimes a bit fake and very realistic, I am glad I have made really down to earth and true friends during the trip! They are really a bunch of sweeties  who will always update you on the latest online contest, update you with latest interesting news and interesting stuffs in their lives. So sweet and cute of them - mainly those in our Calm and Cool Blogger Group Chat like Stef, Vonnie, Mei Hui. Some other lovelies like Ziwei & Quinie la. Must say I never regret taking leave from work to go for the trip. I am so grateful that I have such lucky and fortunate stuff keep happening in my ordinary life.
I think life kinda of slowly changes when I joined Nuffnang, it begins with small contests like winning movie treats from them to sponsored trips. It is so amazing cause I am those kind of people that never win anything in lucky draw kind always get the "Thank you for your participation" note one. Nuffnang has opened many little doors of opportunities and I enjoyed every little bit of it. And I am a half official G+ member (receive the phone call le still waiting for the email)!

Look forward to knowing more interesting friends and more fun-filled events!!
Digress Digress wow I am quite amazed by my self distracted skills, actually I was going to complain about that when I was about to set up my mind to blog about Mid Autumn (I know its like expired for 2 months already since Mid Autumn is like in Sept and now going Xmas) *Stressed Max still got around 120 pics to upload, I got a notification that looks like this
Unable to upload photos as Picasa space limit have reached...
*Pull Hair*
Now I am loading my photos to this mejuba photo storage place hopefully I can start my blogathon tomorrow night.
So right now, just paying some interests first with this post lol!

Since I love Nuffnang so much, I must do abit of advertising for them here, Nuffnang have come out with the improved blogging platform called Nuffnangx, can download the iphone app or android app, it brings blogging to a greater heights. You can follow your favourite everywhere you go (provided you are with a phone and internet connection), there is direct chatting avenue to reach out to your favourite bloggers. Cool stuff!
You can learn more about it here:

 Visit for more details!

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